Monday, February 16, 2009

A Special Valentine's Day....

We don't know why a lot of premature babies were being born lately. Nurses said it must be the "full moon".
We went in to see our babies on valentine's day and we were surprised they were together in one room (in 2 separate isolettes). We were told that more babies were being admitted and that they didn't have any more rooms to accommodate them. So they decided to put our babies together in the same pod. It was for our advantage because we finally had the chance to cuddle them both at the same time! Mommy did it first and then it was dad's turn yesterday.
We're still stunned and amazed by the fact that we have 2 babies!!
They settled Joshua first on my chest and he slept right away. And when it was Joscel's turn, she put her arm around her brother's back and was just staring at him for almost 20 minutes! Maybe she knew right away that he is her brother. But we can totally see their different personalities. We even caught this picture of Joscel sticking her tongue out at Joshua.... Hmmm, will Joshua have to watch out when they grow up?
One happy family....
Here's daddy, super excited to hold them. We put their hands together and they didn't mind!
Say cheese!
Do they look alike?
The nurse also found these valentines' vests and she thought they would look cute on them... and of course they did!
And here's Joscel helping us pray.....
Daddy giving a heart to heart talk to his babies...

Oh what a wonderful feeling to finally hold them both.....


Shepherd Snapshots said...

These pics melted my heart. Beautiful!! Love that the twins were cuddled together. They've probably been missing eachother you know. :)
Let me know if you need a ride, Cey.

Amy said...

I've been away from the computer for awhile and was excited to see the new pics and updates about Josh and Joscel! They're so beautiful together!! I am happy they are continuing to get stronger and stronger. Happy Birthday Maricel! You may be 28 but you don't look a day over 18. (:
Lovely! that will come in handy when the rest of us are all wrinkly and weather-worn.