Thursday, July 16, 2009

Joscel Faith (10 lbs. 2 oz.)

Joshua Caleb (11 lbs. 4 oz.)

Joscel and Joshua had their oxygen and eyes tested again yesterday. She failed again on her oxygen stats. Joshua was good enough to go on and off it but the doctor said that he's oxygen stats are still at the lower 90's so he still wanted him to continue to be on.
Dr. Ells tested their eyes and she said they are minus now, don't know what it means. All we know was she said they might need glasses sooner than later. We are still trying to be positive but it's ok with us if they will wear glasses, we'll just get them the cutest glasses ever! And Jo and I also wear glasses anyway....

Sometimes we can see these kids are as crazy as us. Dad was trying to get good pictures of them together and here's Joshua trying to lick Joscel's head. She didn't like it and I think these pictures are enough to show her facial reaction. Good thing that it was time to give them a bath anyway.

I got a video of them watching Baby Einstein. You can see that Joshua pays more attention to it and Joscel, well, she eats her prongs and plays with her toys at the same time.

Their first roll over.....

Thursday, July 09, 2009

My sister's visit...

My sister just went back to Grande Prairie yesterday after her stay here for 6 days. We had such a great time and we miss her already....

As promised, we made some time to entertain her and get her a tour around our area. We took her to Banff and Lake Louise.

You might say that we are crazy to take Joscel and Joshua with us, but the truth is, they did great in all our trips. Also, before we did this, we consulted their doctors, the respiratory team and their nurses.

We rode the Gondola and here's a video she requested me to post for her husband, Kong Jay....

Elbow Falls

We went to Elbow Falls for picture taking which she can show off to her co-workers and roommates in Grande Prairie...


We took her to Kananaskis to camp for the day.

It was also Joscel and Joshua's first camping, kind of. They stayed in the tent and it looked like they had fun too!

And another video for Kong Jay....... Ching Dess thought she could bear the cold water....

Joscel and Joshua's baby shower

Joscel and Joshua had their baby shower, with friends and close people this time. We had to do it twice because my co-workers from NAPA requested to have a reunion at the same time.

The second one was hosted by Jo's mom. Joshua and Joscel were quite alert the whole time and everyone was excited to finally see them.

Here are some of their primary nurses that were able to come that day. They were thrilled to see how big they were!

Looks like everybody had a great time.....