Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Joscel Faith (9 lbs.)

Joshua Caleb (10 lbs. 5.6 oz.)

Being visited by the Transitional Team (nurses) is great. They're being weighed, measured and constantly checked. Their developmental stages are also monitored. Unfortunately, based on their adjusted age, they're a little late which we already knew because of their prematurity.

But they are quite active and alert, keeping us on our toes whenever they aren't asleep.

While playing with them, they gave me their 1st giggles. Here I am capturing that precious moment....

My sister Desiree in Grande Prairie is visiting our twins. It's her 3rd time here in Calgary, hopefully this time we can show her around. The first time I was pregnant and I wasn't in the mood and was always nauseous. The second time the kids were in the hospital. This time we are planning to show her around Banff and perhaps camping. Hopefully the kids will be able to handle the long drive and the altitude. It will be great for them to get some fresh air and sunlight... for me too.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A proud DAD

Though it was his first Father's Day, we didn't make it to church because Joshua just had his surgery. Thankfully, auntie Lucy got us a copy of yesterday's message.
We happily spent it with Jo's family who brought us food and kept the day going. It was fun!

He also wanted to take good pictures of us with our babies and here are some of them. See how happy he was?

Joshua's surgery

As scheduled, Joshua had his HERNIA repair and circumcision last Friday. Everything went well. We were just a little scared when we couldn't get him settled after waking up from his sedation. They fed him, I cuddled him, did everything we could to stop him from crying. They gave him tylenol and that was the only time he stopped and then fell asleep.
Today is his 3rd day of surgery and he's been good. He doesn't give us trouble in feeding and putting him to sleep. He is such a trooper!

Hopefully, that surgery would be the last one..........

Joscel and Joshua had their respiratory/oxygen test again a week ago. The results were:

Joshua is ready to go ON and OFF his oxygen but since he was having a surgery, they told us to leave him on.

And as expected, Joscel still needs to be ON. During the test, she failed right away and it took her quite a while to come back up so they bumped her up from 1/8 of a liter to 1/4.
They'll be tested again on July 15.

Here are some of the pictures showing everyday stuff.....

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Another week has passed and I'm still surviving! Actually, it gets better and better everyday specially now that Joscel and Joshua are starting to communicate with us. It just melts our hearts when they stare at us and as if, trying to talk to us....

Here's Joscel's chubby face without her oxygen on....

Of course, Joshua is still doing his signature cute face... macho man too!

They are more awake during the day so I read them some books. They both love it though Joscel gets bored easily. While Joshua, he would look at the pictures. If you say "the end" he'll squirm 'til I read it again...

I tried getting some videos of them trying to talk to me, so here are the best ones I got (I think).. You will notice that Joshua is more vocal than Joscel. He makes sounds but Joscel just smiles at you...

By the way, Joshua's HERNIA surgery was moved to June 19 instead of 22. Please help us pray for him, as you always do.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Getting chunky!

Age based on birthdate: 5 mos. 3 wks
Adjusted age: 2 mos. 1 wk

Joscel Faith
3436 gms (7 lbs 9.2 oz)

Joshua Caleb
3930 gms (8 lbs 10 oz)


Wow! He's now bigger than the tissue box!

I've been wanting to update our blog since Jo went back to work 2 weeks ago, but I just can't find the time! Right now, our twins are sleeping (ooops, kinda waking up!) and instead of me taking a nap, I thought of posting some pics instead.
So here they are, getting so big.

At first, taking care of them alone was a little scary. But now, I have the routine of feeding, changing and playing with one baby at a time. I still can't get enough sleep though. When Jo comes home, he lets me sleep but my body automatically wakes up every hour.

Joshua's first time-out from daddy for spitting-up... It was just for 2 seconds since he can't take watching him like this :( I don't think he can give them "time-outs" in the future. We'll see!

Our future babysitters, Achi (big sister) Kalia and Asia....

They are still on oxygen. They will be tested again on the 17th of this month. And Joshua's gonna get his hernia repaired on the 22nd. The doctor said he'll be sedated so daddy decided to get him circumcised as well. He will be allowed to go home on the same day.
Ok, time to go. Joscel is screaming her lungs out!