Monday, June 28, 2010

They're wearing glasses

The time has come, they are wearing glasses now. Joshua wasn't supposed to wear them yet but we noticed a couple of months ago that his eyes drift sideways when he focuses. He is nearsighted but it wasn't that bad. We were also told that his case needs an operation of the eye muscle but don't know when.

Joscel is also nearsighted, though the left eye is the worse one. The left lens of her glasses is thick. These glasses aren't hers, we are still waiting for the right frame.

We are still having troubles putting them on since they get irritated when they wear them, I guess. It just takes time getting used to them and that means more patience from us.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All is well

Yep, everyone is doing better now. It turned out that Joshua didn't get FMD. He just had an episode of diarrhea and vomiting. Having 2 sick kids could drive you crazy sometimes but I'm glad that they are both ok now.
Joscel also had her follow-up chest x-ray today. If you recall, she was hospitalized for 2 consecutive months for pneumonia. They x-ray today showed that she still has a little fluid in her lungs but was explained by the doctor that it usually goes/clears away after 6-8 weeks. We are already on the 6th week so we're hoping that it will totally go away in 2 weeks. So far, we're not seeing anymore signs of her having trouble breathing. And she looks very active anyway. In fact, we caught a video of her giggling while playing with her new "sneezing puppy".

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Here we go again..

Last week was another stressful week for us specially for Joshua.. He had a fever for 5 consecutive days and we had no idea what was going on. We took him to the emergency to be checked and the doctor said that everything was fine, maybe it was just due to his 2 molar teeth coming out. I guess she was true. He got better the 6th day. And we thought that everything's gonna go back to normal 'til Joscel took her turn. Her temperature went up to 39 so we thought she'll be fine too. But on the third day of having fever (not to mention the sore on her tongue and gum, while puking and having diarrhea), it was her turn to be taken to the emergency. We found out that those sores weren't just canker, she got "foot and mouth disease". Until now, we are still wondering where she got that from. I feel very sorry for her since they said that those are extremely painful for 3-4 days and will stay in her tongue for a week or 2. She's also not eating right now. And she just started drinking milk yesterday!
We are also afraid that Joshua might have gotten it too since it's very contagious. He just started crying this afternoon and won't take his bottle. We checked his tongue and gum, we're not sure if those blisters are already signs that he got the disease. Ughhhh ! Poor kiddos. All we have to do right now is just pray and hope that they'll feel better soon. Hopefully after this, no more having a trip to the ACH emergency.
We'll keep you posted about their health as much as we can.