Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday !!! "Joscel and Joshua"

As you may have well guessed, those are their names. And here are a few photos of each of them. They are both connected to a lot of tubes and machinery to help with development and most importantly survival.

Joscel (girl) came out 3minutes earlier at 660 grams

Home for the next 3months

Mommy's first touch, and a little perspective of their size.

Joshua (boy) at 620 grams.

No... that's his ambilical cord.

His first glimpse

See you soon!!!


Amy said...

Dear Joseph and Mary,

Welcome to your precious little children!!

As I was looking at their pictures on here I was brought to tears at their frailty. I have some friends in Ontario who delivered their twins early as well and I hope you don't mind, but I gave them your blogsite and might help to hear from a couple who has gone through what you are going through now. Unfortunately their boys didn't make it (one for a day, one for a month). But I am praying (as we all are) that God will see fit to sustain your twins and bring them to perfect health! He is a powerful God with a good and perfect plan for you and your family. My friends names are Jon and Lezlie Gomes ... so if you get a note from them you can know it is I who directed them to you. They too, are believers and a wonderful couple.

I hope I have not overstepped my bounds in doing this. I just thought that you could use all the encouragement you could get ... especially from people who truly do understand some of what you will be experiencing. As for me, I cannot even begin to imagine what I would be thinking/feeling at a time like this but I will be praying for you and if there is ever anything practical that I can do I would be honored to help out.

Again, Welcome to your little ones!! Blessings on their tiny bodies!
love and prayers
Amy Rish (James)

Joseph, Maricel, Joscel, Joshua said...

Thanks Amy. It's really encouraging that others are thinking and praying about us, even those that we don't know. It would be nice to hear from Jon and Lezlie, as they would understand a lot of what we are experiencing now. I know that we can't reply to everyone individually, so we'll keep everyone up-to-date through the blog. Jo and Cey