Joscel Faith
Weight: 1630 gms (3.59 lbs)Length: 16.5 inches
Joshua Caleb
Weight: 1526 gms (3.36 lbs)
Length: 15.5 inches

91 days old
37 5/7 weeks gestationally
37 5/7 weeks gestationally

Joshua started eating 3 days ago. He started with 3.9 mls/3 hours. And he finished it all within 2.5 seconds! He was so hungry. Yesterday, they increased it to 6 mils. Whenever they feed him, he would want more. They can't increase his feeds too quickly due to his tummy issues. They want to make sure that his belly is ok. I guess that's better than getting him to full feeds and then will get sick. We'll just let him suck on his soother coz it makes him feel better that way.We also noticed that he's been traumatized. Everytime they touch him he screams. Because of the fact that they either poke him, take some blood, x-ray him, etc. 2 nights ago, his nurse was just trying to bundle him up really well while I was cuddling him and we saw his eyes popped out like he's afraid to get hurt again. It just breaks our heart to see him getting scared of the nurses. At least mommy and daddy are always there to make sure everything will be ok and that nobody's gonna hurt him anymore. I also make sure that he get's all comfy in my arms and just watch him sleep.

Joscel got us worried too. 3 nights ago, she was bradying and was lithurgic. Her tummy went up to 28.5 cms from 26 cms. Of course, the nurses got some blood tests, x-rayed her tummy, etc. They found out that it's full of air pockets. But it didn't look like Josh's problem. They stopped feeding her though and just waited for her to poop. I guess pooping was the solution for her. The next day, she pooped 2 big ones. She felt better and her tummy went down to 24 cms. She started eating again. She's also in an open bed now and she's doing great in maintaining her temperature.

Today didn't start well for me. I've been bugging Jo to take me out to get a hair cut. I had my last haircut in November so I needed it really bad. So this morning before heading to the hospital, we stopped by First Choice Haircutters to get my hair done. I guess it shouldn't have been our "first choice". The lady cut my hair really short! She suggested that she'll do short at the back and long at the front. I kinda liked her suggestion. At first I was liking it, but all of a sudden she was pulling some of my hair at the back and started cutting it really short, as in really SHORT! I was shocked.. I couldn't complain anymore and just let her do her stuff. She was asking me if I like it, I believe I only replied "It's different!". Was I too nice not to complain about it? Well, at least I've learned my lesson not to follow their suggestion anymore and just get them to do WHAT I WANT.

A couple of things...
First, I LOVE the picture of Joseph and Josh. Beautiful.
Second, its amazing to see Joscel out in the open now. Exciting and a little scary too, probably.
Third, I was expecting a horrible haircut from your facebook status. Cey, I like it. Its different and fun. But I do know what its like to get a cut that is too short for your taste...I've been there several times over the last several months. :) Mine is starting to grow out again. Hopefully your hair grows soon, but in the meantime, it looks good...if I'm not what I did, where a hat for two months! :)
Thanks Shanna.. I guess I should learn how to style it and not let it fall all over my face. Maybe wearing a hat can help too!
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