Joscel Faith (A.K.A. Lashes)
Whenever somebody comes and visits our babies, the first thing they would notice about Joscel is her long and curling eyelashes. They are super long and they make her look more adorable. She still has some attitudes but she just melts your heart away when you see her smile and stares at you when you talk to her.

Joshua Caleb (A.K.A. Cute Lips)
Yup, he likes to show-off his cute lips. Here are some of the moments we captured when he was doing it. Jo thinks he's practicing the Zoolander "Magnum" look.

Cute as a button...... Their hair is growing back... Still looks funny though....

Just for fun, daddy took a picture of Joshua's feet. We'll try taking Joscel's tonight.

Joshua got us worried again 4 days ago. He was lithurgic and was holding his breath for almost 10 seconds. They did some tests on him and his blood culture came back positive.. He has an infection/bacteria growing. They couldn't figure out what caused it though. Good thing is, they started him on antibiotics right away before they got the result and will continue taking it for 3 more days. They also put him back on nasal prongs to help him breath. Two steps forward, one step back eh? He's getting better now and he seems more alert. At least they didn't stop feeding him. He's on full feeds too.

And it's so nice to see that their nurses are trying to look for linens and sleepers that match for them..

Lately, I've been spending 12 hours or more everyday at the hospital and it's not even enough.I'm there to constantly change their diapers, clean their face, take their temperature, feed them, put them to sleep, etc.

I could imagine how my life would be when I take them home. There'll be no resting! When I feed one of them, the other would be crying. Hence, my adrenaline level goes up! Specially when Josh is hungry, he would scream his lungs out! He wouldn't stop until the bottle touches his lips...
It's also a good thing that I spend most of my time with them because I'm learning my babies' attitudes, cues and needs.
Jo took some time off again from work to make our house ready before the babies come home. It's so nice of "SYC" to let him take the time we need to get ready for the babies. We are still not sure when we could take them home specially now that Josh is sick.

:) :) :) :) :)
That's what I did the whole time I was looking at the pictures...smiling a big, cheesy smile, so excited for you guys and unable to get over how big they are getting. Are they allowing visitors again??? I couldn't get over Josh (in the 7th pic from the top)... I think I even see a little bit of Kalia in him there. So big and so cute. They're looking great! Cey, I'm glad to hear you get to spend so much time with your bambinos...they're lovin' it too, I'm sure. I'm still available for rides...and you don't need to feel bad asking me. Again, I repeat...I don't do homework when Evan is awake! :)
Sign me up for Team-Inch when the babies come home. I am more than happy to come and cuddle Josh while you feed can ease my baby-itch I'm starting to have. :)
Thanks so much for continuing to share your babies pics with us. They are looking so big and very cute. I can't believe her lashes! Matt was wondering if Jo needs any help at the house. Let us know. I also would love to come help with the babies. Matt is often home during the week so I could have a break from my kids and come cuddle your babies, or do whatever you need.
What a journey you are on! You guys are amazing. I love to read about your triumphs. And I cry for your setbacks. What wonderful blessings God has given you! Your babies are beautiful!
You guys, the little ones are looking wonderfully well, it's so good to see and read that everything is fine. Cey, it sounds like you're doing such a great job, you are blessed. Has Josh gotten over his infection yet? I hope for you all that the time comes soon for you to all be at home together. I must say also that Terra and I are so sorry for not having kept more in contact with you all, I feel real bad. We do think of you all lots and the times we remember you all it's a bad time to call and when the time is good we forget. So saying that i'm gonna call you right now... hope you're home!
But if we don't get hold of you you will still remain in our thoughts and prayers, and we'll try and contact you again soon. Joe if you need some help hookin' up the house for the little ones' arrival let me know and I'll be all too glad to come by. You know like setting up a little basketball hoop for Josh and a walk in closet for Jocel! Take care all of you and hope to see you soon.
Bye for now!
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