Joscel Faith
Weight - 1667 grams (3.68 lbs)

Joshua Caleb
Weight - 1683 gms (3.71 lbs)

We got a phone call from the hospital on Friday (really scares us when that happens). They asked us to come right away to sign a consent form (scarier!) It was for Joshua's PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catether) line. Since he's only getting a little bit of milk a day, they had to get a permanent line for his IV and some meds he's taking 'til he reach his full feeds. They had to poke him every single day just to get one but it looked like when he's mad, the lines blew up! We were warned before, that if it keeps happening, they had to do a surgical procedure called "BROVIAC" where they had to put 2 tubes below his neck (ouch!). But before they do that, they would try to get one in his arm. They also told us that last Thursday night, they had to poke him 9 times but none of them was successful. Not to mention they also poked him 3 times on the same day (WHYYYYYY!!!!!)
So we rushed to the Children's Hospital for the 4th time. We prayed that the arm one would be successful so they don't have to make holes in his neck and God heard us, as always. He came out of ACH with the tube in his right arm, not in the neck. And now, no more pokes for him. Whew!

Saturday night, their nurse told us that she would try to put them together in one bed, it was soooo tiny. And here I am again, worried that they wouldn't be comfortable in that crowded bed, knowing that Joscel would be kicking and smacking Joshua. Also, Joshua has that huge tube in his arm. We saw them wiggling and crying too much. So we ended up staying 'til 12 midnight just to make sure they were ok. We made sure they were comfortable enough before we left. The next day, Joscel was back in her isolette (a closed bed)! See! Mommy's instinct is always, or should I say most of the time right! The doctors noticed that they weren't gaining enough weight and putting them together in one bed wouldn't do them good either, FOR NOW. It's a great thing to put them together but not at this point of time where they still need to gain a lot of weight. They'll stay in 2 separate isolettes until March 22 and then they will re-evaluate, maybe put them together in 1 big crib.

Today, I got the most awaited letter in the mail. It's the letter of confirmation that I passed the Canadian Citizenship Exam! Yay! Oath taking will be on Jo's birthday, April 17. Hopefully my babies can be witnesses on that special day too.
I am sure Joshua is happy to have less poking now that the Broviac is in. Hey congrats Cey on passing the Canadian Citzen exam. July 1 will be a little bit more special (Joshua and Joscel will be home and you all can celebrate Canada Day!! That would be cool.) Take care LJ
That picture of Joshua with his finger in his mouth looks so cute. He looks like papa Don, same hairdo and everything!...Rose
Your babies are growing so much! It's so great to see the progress they're making - it won't be too much longer and you'll be counting the days to bring them home. :) --Ann & Jack
To everybody,
We are overwhelmed whenever we receive comments. Thank you so much for constantly checking on us and for keeping us in your prayers.
God bless!
Jo, Cey, Joscel and Joshua
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