Yup! Today is supposed to be my due date (MARCH 27). The doctors and nurses were greeting me "Happy Due Date Mom", or should it be "Happy 107th day at the hospital"? Either way, we're glad that everything is going smoothly.
4 days ago, they put them together in 1 big crib. They are full term now so they treat them as full term babies. Pastor Darcy also visited them on that day. Thank you again for the visit! By the way, NICU is getting a little bit loose for visitors.

Joshua's infection is gone. His last blood culture came back negative and he is also alert now. Actually, he became too hyper! He screams all the time and his voice fills the whole Level 2 when he cries. You can't stop him unless you feed him right away. He can finish 50 mils every feed and will want more. But we're making sure that his tummy tolerates it well so we try not to overfeed him. Sometimes, we give him more just to make him feel better.
The doctor today told me that Joshua is almost ready to go home. He feeds on demand, knows how to breastfeed, awake when he's hungry, finishes the whole bottle of milk, etc.. He just needs to gain more weight. He is also off the prongs now. They said that if things go well for the next few days, we can take him home sometime next week. But that means Joscel will stay at the hospital for a couple more days 'til she meets the other requirements. When that day comes, we'll figure out how to take care of Josh and visit Joscel at the same time. Any suggestions????

Of course the help offer is still available from us...
Wow. I can't believe Joshua is ready to come home. Amazing. Awesome.
Let me know what you guys are thinking as far as Josh and Joscel. I am finished my program in two weeks and am willing to watch Josh if you guys need me to. Let me know.
Congrats on this awesome development. Hope all goes well. We're praying for you.
Btw, when we were looking at the pics, I told Jason that I see Kalia in Josh and he said he sees Asia in Joscel. :)
Hey Shep, If you can get away at night, or if you guys want to go together, we will be there at nights usually. hopefully you'll get to see them before they send them home. :?
Hey you guys! That is so exciting to hear that soon you little ones will home with you. We would also love to come and see them if that's okay. Let us know if that's okay and I'll get Matt to call you.
We also would love to help in any way we can.
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