Another week has passed and I'm still surviving! Actually, it gets better and better everyday specially now that Joscel and Joshua are starting to communicate with us. It just melts our hearts when they stare at us and as if, trying to talk to us....
Here's Joscel's chubby face without her oxygen on....

Of course, Joshua is still doing his signature cute face... macho man too!

They are more awake during the day so I read them some books. They both love it though Joscel gets bored easily. While Joshua, he would look at the pictures. If you say "the end" he'll squirm 'til I read it again...

By the way, Joshua's HERNIA surgery was moved to June 19 instead of 22. Please help us pray for him, as you always do.
Thanks for the new picts, they are so cute now looking like newborns. Another 1/2 lb and Joshua will be as big as Spencer was when he was born. Loved Joshua's attempts at talking...Rose
How is Josh doing???
What size clothes (weight) are Josh and Joscel wearing right now??
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