Age based on birthdate: 5 mos. 3 wks
Adjusted age: 2 mos. 1 wk
3436 gms (7 lbs 9.2 oz)

Joshua Caleb
3930 gms (8 lbs 10 oz)

Wow! He's now bigger than the tissue box!

I've been wanting to update our blog since Jo went back to work 2 weeks ago, but I just can't find the time! Right now, our twins are sleeping (ooops, kinda waking up!) and instead of me taking a nap, I thought of posting some pics instead.
So here they are, getting so big.

At first, taking care of them alone was a little scary. But now, I have the routine of feeding, changing and playing with one baby at a time. I still can't get enough sleep though. When Jo comes home, he lets me sleep but my body automatically wakes up every hour.

Joshua's first time-out from daddy for spitting-up... It was just for 2 seconds since he can't take watching him like this :( I don't think he can give them "time-outs" in the future. We'll see!

Our future babysitters, Achi (big sister) Kalia and Asia....

They are still on oxygen. They will be tested again on the 17th of this month. And Joshua's gonna get his hernia repaired on the 22nd. The doctor said he'll be sedated so daddy decided to get him circumcised as well. He will be allowed to go home on the same day.
Ok, time to go. Joscel is screaming her lungs out!
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