Monday, February 02, 2009


Daddy finally had the chance to see his babies again yesterday. He was feeling better (not coughing and no runny nose) plus he wanted to see them soooooo bad. He didn't touch or hold them though.
Joscel is doing better with her breathing now. They put her back on Si-pap which is better than re-intubating her. For the last 2 days, her breathing was improving. They also started adding "milk fortifiers" to her feeds which gives her the boost to grow faster and bigger. 
Joshua started having his milk fortifiers 2 weeks ago 
but he just reached 1 KILO yesterday, he was a little behind than Joscel when it comes to weight but ahead in terms of breathing. 

That's it for now,,, we'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Laura Jean said...

Hi Joseph and Maricel. Thanks for the update - I have heard in general with premmies - the NICU becomes a part of your family - I love their signs of the twins joining the Kilo Group. Celebrating along with you, the twins accomplishments. Happy to hear that Joscel's breathing is improving too. Take care. Hope you had a great birthday today Maricel. LJ