Yup, they're 80 days old. And that means we've been in and out of the hospital NICU for 80 days!
Another surprise welcomed us yesterday when we came in. Joshua has no Nasal Prongs anymore. He's breathing on his own now. That tube in his nose is his feeding tube which hopefully will come out too when he knows how to bottle feed/breast feed. He's such a handsome little man...like Daddy..
The next day, they took him to the Children's Hospital to get a Lower GI test, which involved a dyed-anema, so that they can picture and check his intestines. Here's the picture of his transport incubator.

He came back with a result of no OBSTRUCTION in his tummy. It was good news, but they still need to do an Upper GI, when there's availability, just to make sure that there's nothing wrong in his bowels. Although he hasn't been eating now for a couple of days (just milk drips), to prevent his stomach from growing anymore, he is still quite fuzzy. Whenever you touch him, or adjust him when cuddling, he would whine and cry. I think he gets it from the set of twins across him that constantly cry throughout the day. It's alright though, crying is good for lung development, that's why I pinch Joscel once in a while when no-one is looking...jk
Now, Miss Joscel, what can I say? She's definitely a handful. Whenever we lift up the cover to take a look at her, it's always a surprise. With Joshua, and all the other babies, they're right in the middle where they had left them. Joscel, she can be in a corner, upside down, flip over, beside one of the port holes, and everywhere else but where they left her. So let's play "Find Josceldo"...she's in there somewhere....here's a clue, she's NOT in the middle.

They keep the nurses on their toes, and make their shift a little bit more interesting. That's why we always find their previous nurses, especially their Primaries, sneaking over during their breaks to see what they're up to.
Here she is again trying to make an escape with her bum up. I swear one day we'll come in the NICU, and we'll see all the nurses scrambling to find her in the unit... "Oh hi, Mr. and Mrs Inch. I just want you to know that everything is under control. This morning we found a Rope made of IVs, Nasal prongs, feeding tubes, and monitor leads coming from one of Joscel's port holes, the funny thing is, we can't seam to find her."

Whatever they're both up to, we can't get enough of them. We love them both so much, and can't wait to share them with you all.
Now with her eye surgery nicely healing, she is quite a bit more interactive than she already was. She loves it when you talk to her close up, as she can recognize our facial features. She looks around for the voices she hears, and loves her soother. She still does her little trick, when she'll Desaturate her oxygen, and gives you a mischievous smile afterwards.
I hope your house is baby proof, she sounds like trouble to me....Rose
Glad to hear Josh and Joscel are doing so well. Let us know if you guys need any help. Can we still visit the babies or is it just family at this time? On a side note, Joe I found your motorcycle insurance and registration and bill of sale. Not sure how I got it but it's here.
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