The past two weeks was a bit challenging for us. After finding out that Joscel had bacteria in her urine, Joshua decided to take his turn. He woke up one morning throwing up for hours. We called Healthlink first. They told us not to take him to the emergency yet and just follow the directions on how to feed him bit by bit since anything he was taking in goes back out. When he stopped throwing up, he then had diarrhea. So we called again and we're told not to worry unless there's blood in his stool. After a week of having diarrhea, he had a fever. And it wasn't going away so we took him to the emergency. The doctors did a series of tests on him and everything came back normal. They put an IV on him just to make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated. After 4 hours, they sent us home. We were mentally, emotionally and physically stressed coz we didn't know what was wrong with him but I guess he caught that GI virus that was going around. Anyway, he is back to normal now, meaning, he is back to being a happy and laid-back boy. Joscel as well is back to being a feisty little girl.
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