Wednesday, January 27, 2010

funny videos

Joscel and Joshua are in the stage where they can communicate with us now. We love it when they express what they like and don't like. And it so nice to see them play together. It looks like they enjoy each other's company.

I caught a video of them talking to each other. I have no idea what they were talking about about all I know is, they're so cute!

It's fun to teach them stuff like clapping, tongue out, etc. Here's a video of them dancing. I wonder where they got that from???

Friday, January 22, 2010

Very challenging weeks

The past two weeks was a bit challenging for us. After finding out that Joscel had bacteria in her urine, Joshua decided to take his turn. He woke up one morning throwing up for hours. We called Healthlink first. They told us not to take him to the emergency yet and just follow the directions on how to feed him bit by bit since anything he was taking in goes back out. When he stopped throwing up, he then had diarrhea. So we called again and we're told not to worry unless there's blood in his stool. After a week of having diarrhea, he had a fever. And it wasn't going away so we took him to the emergency. The doctors did a series of tests on him and everything came back normal. They put an IV on him just to make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated. After 4 hours, they sent us home. We were mentally, emotionally and physically stressed coz we didn't know what was wrong with him but I guess he caught that GI virus that was going around. Anyway, he is back to normal now, meaning, he is back to being a happy and laid-back boy. Joscel as well is back to being a feisty little girl.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Still a roller Coaster

Just a quick update about our babies,,,

Joscel has been sick for quite a while now. At first she had fever for 3 days so we took her straight to ACH Emergency. The line-up wasn't that bad but we still stayed there for 6 hours. They couldn't find anything wrong about her because she was still acting normal ( I mean in terms of her eating habbits, playing, being alert, etc.) But when the doctor mentioned that if she doesn't get better in a couple of days, they need to check her urine. I told him right there and then that I have a family history of kidney/bladder problem. So the doctor decided to get a urine sample straight from her bladder. They sent us home after finding out that her urine was ok.

2 days ago, ACH called us saying that there was bacteria growing in her urine. So they prescribed her an Antibiotic.

Another thing that worried us was Joscel's temperature dropping to 34.5-35.5 deg. Celcius for the past 3 days. We called HealthLink and they mentioned that it might be due to her bladder infection.

For now, we can notice that she is getting her energy back though we are still keeping an eye on her very low temperature.

On the other hand, Joshua is getting more and more active. And oh boy, he loves to eat! Sometimes, we are the ones who give up but he keeps asking for more. He likes to be played with too. And if you don't pay attention to him, he'll grunts really loud, or sometimes climb on you. We are glad that he is ok and not sick, and hopefully when Joscel gets better, he won't follow.

Year 2009

We are grateful of all the things that happened in 2009. Good or bad, it doesn't matter.

Here are some of the BIG things we had last year:
- Joscel and Joshua came out of the NICU after 4 months of their stay there
- We celebrated their 1st birthday
- I got my Canadian Citizenship
- I lost my job
- Jo lost his job
- My brother passed away
- My grandpa passed away
- Jo finally finished (actually semi-finished0 our kitchen and fireplace after waiting for 3 years

There's still a lot but I just can't remember.... Surely, we believe that this year 2010 will bring greater things to us.

Christmas 2009

We hosted the Christmas day breakfast and of course, we did the traditional gift-opening at our house.

It was an extra special day for us coz that was the first time we had Joscel and Joshua home with us for Christmas. We still remember Christmas of 2008 when we spent it at the hospital just watching them in their incubators. When we couldn't even hug and kiss them...
And now, here they are, learning to open presents!