Just a quick update about our babies,,,

Joscel has been sick for quite a while now. At first she had fever for 3 days so we took her straight to ACH Emergency. The line-up wasn't that bad but we still stayed there for 6 hours. They couldn't find anything wrong about her because she was still acting normal ( I mean in terms of her eating habbits, playing, being alert, etc.) But when the doctor mentioned that if she doesn't get better in a couple of days, they need to check her urine. I told him right there and then that I have a family history of kidney/bladder problem. So the doctor decided to get a urine sample straight from her bladder. They sent us home after finding out that her urine was ok.
2 days ago, ACH called us saying that there was bacteria growing in her urine. So they prescribed her an Antibiotic.
Another thing that worried us was Joscel's temperature dropping to 34.5-35.5 deg. Celcius for the past 3 days. We called HealthLink and they mentioned that it might be due to her bladder infection.
For now, we can notice that she is getting her energy back though we are still keeping an eye on her very low temperature.

On the other hand, Joshua is getting more and more active. And oh boy, he loves to eat! Sometimes, we are the ones who give up but he keeps asking for more. He likes to be played with too. And if you don't pay attention to him, he'll grunts really loud, or sometimes climb on you. We are glad that he is ok and not sick, and hopefully when Joscel gets better, he won't follow.