Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11 months already...

Yep, we can't believe that time flies by so fast. Joscel and Joshua are turning 1 year old in a month. Sometimes we just want to freeze time because they grow up so fast.
And they are also in that stage where they are so curious about everything and so eager to learn new stuff.

Joscel is getting more and more independent and so focused on things around her like music and TV! She is very curious and likes to explore. She is crawling more efficiently now and she loves to eat anything she sees. She'll often pull the ornaments on our christmas tree.

Joshua is still laid-back but has attitude now. He's an attention-seeker. He'll voice out his opinion (really loud) when you take his toy away from him and when you don't attend to him right away. I guess he's the loudest in the house now.
On the flip side, when he's tired, he likes to cuddle, hold your face, stare and smile at you.

It is soooo much better now that we can take them out without oxygen during the day. And to seize the opportunity, we took some family pictures.

1 comment:

Heather May said...

What a beautiful little family you have! And what an amazing journey to get here! Have a great Christmas!