Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some funny pictures of our 2 little munchkins...

Playing Farm Town in Facebook is one of the ways I relax myself lately. I usually do it when the kids are watching their Baby Einstein shows. In this picture, I stood up just for 2 seconds to get a soother for Joshua and when I came back, I saw Joscel snooping around my farm! I thought it was cute!!!

They said that babies explore things around them by licking them, I don't know if this is a part of it. Joscel loves to lick Josh's foot. Joshua doesn't mind though...

Of course, Joshua is interested at Joscel's foot too!

No matter how hard I try to separate them in bed, they still find their way to be close to each other. Most of the time, they would pull each other's nasal prongs, fingers, ear, and foot!

I always say that Joscel doesn't know how to put herself to sleep. But in this picture, it was magic. She just fell asleep!

1 comment:

Rose & Harry said...

Your life must be a blast, they are so darned cute. Love the sucking on the toe...Rose