It's nice to have Jo around to help with the babies since he's currently not working.
Joscel and Joshua are growing so fast and seeking more personal attention. They love to be talked to and played with all the time. They don't sleep very long during the day and that means no nap for mommy, but they sleep 5-6 hours during the night,, yay! Although my body automatically wakes up every 2-3 hours just to check on them.

They have been discharged from the Neonatal Transitional Team last week. This was a group of nurses who visited us at home to weigh and monitor them. I guess that's a positive thing which indicates that our babies are doing so well.
They also just had their Perinatal Follow-up where they check their developmental stage according to their corrected age (4 months old). Thanks Ashley for being there to see how they are doing!!!
Joshua is in line with their expectation but Joscel is a couple of weeks behind,,, but that's ok coz she's a Princess and she's always taking her time right from the beginning. Speaking of being a PRINCESS, her attitude has also returned. She would scream and yell for attention. Meanwhile Joshua quietly waits for his turn....
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