Things are getting better now (in terms of sleeping time!). From getting only an hour of sleep a day, it has now improved to 3 hours. Hooray!
Here's me and our twins having some bonding time.

I'm trying to get used to taking care of them alone as Jo is going back to work in a week. It is sometimes frustrating, specially when they both cry at the same time... and how I wish I could clone myself.
Here's a sample video of them crying at the same time...
Our kids have 2 very different personalities now. Joshua used to be just laid back, but now he's the one cranky. He'll let you know when he's hungry and when he wants his bum changed. And after eating, he can't settle himself unless you cuddle him 'til he sleeps. But sometimes, even when you think he's sleeping, as soon as you put him down on his crib, he'll cry and wake up with his eyes wide open. I'm still trying to figure out how to teach him to sleep without being cuddled all the time since I still have to feed and put Joscel to sleep.
Joscel on the other hand knows how to behave. She's so behave that she would just stare at Joshua and smiles specially when he freaks out.

1 comment:
Oh, don't you just have your hands full, that's why God makes them so cute - it is called survival....enjoy...Rose
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