Joscel Faith
2950 grams
Joshua Caleb
3154 grams

Hi Everyone, we finally had a chance to take some pictures with the little ones without their prongs. We went to the Respiratory Clinic on Tuesday to determine whether they still need oxygen assistance. It turns out that their lungs aren't strong enough yet, and they still need the extra boost of O2.
They also had their hearing test done, and they both passed it. Eye test went well too.
We took the opportunity to take some quick shots when we changed (every week or so) their nasal prongs the other night. It was quite difficult to get them to look at the same time, but we tried our best.
Super MOM!!.. Even just under 7lbs each, Cey is having difficulty trying to corral the gremlins. But she'll have to get used to it as Daddy needs to go back to work to pay the bills.
The challenge was to get both of them to look at the camera without crying or making a silly face... That proved to be more difficult than what I expected.
Here's Mommy trying to get a smile...
Then they just got bored...
Here's the best shot we got...
Joshua exploring, and trying to crawl... what a trooper!
Even with just a few hours of interrupted sleep, we love to just watch (and kiss) them as they sleep.
Daddy trying to convince Joshua that he can't be held all the time. He'll fall asleep in your arms and as soon as you try to put him down he'll be wide awake.