After a 4-Day stay at the hospital's accomodation, Rooming-INN, it was difficult to leave. Not because of all the memories and triumphs, but because we had to leave with empty car seats.
Mommy taking advantage of all the kisses she can get
Feeding at 3:00am
A gift from the Shepherds, Joshua is almost small enough to ride the giraffes.
The Girls' beauty sleep.
Where did Joshua go?...clue, he's a little longer than the tissue box.
help grow more weight and be more stable. Joscel, ironically is allowed to go home and had passed the test, but she needs to be on oxygen for a couple of months ,(with follow ups in a couple of weeks). We had requested that they go home together, and the Doctors had allowed Joscel to stay in the unit with Joshua until they are both ready. This also allows her to gain more weight as well under the Nurses' watch.
It was also relieving, as both Cey and I can go home to get some much needed rest. We are both overwhelmed with taking care of both Joshua and Joscel for 4 days as if we were home, with the nurses occasionally checking up on us. We changed, feed, changed, bathed, changed, cuddled, changed, give meds, and changed their diapers every 2-4 hours...oh, did I mention change them. We would then have a half an hour or so, if that, in between to eat or get some sleep, but alert enough to keep an hear out for them. Cey didn't get more than 1 hour of sleep in those 4 days. Me on the other hand, didn't hear a peep out of the kids while I was sound asleep.
Joshua's cute lips, did he get it from daddy or mommy?
Daddy practising Joshua for the car seat.
Anyway, we had a great time and can't wait to take them home. But we're hoping that these next few days ahead, we can get some sl..z..zz..zzz..zzz..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........eep, and prepare ourselves as there are a lot more things to do than we had anticipated. As for now...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Bet Josh appreciated all of the cuddle time with you guys...especially when he was cuddled on your chests, on his belly...helped with his gas maybe.
Go to sleep you two...Good thing I only have one week of course work left, I better start cooking some food for you guys. :) If you have a chance while you're at home, email me the pics of me with the bambinos so I can print them off and put 'em on the fridge...and blog them of course. :)
Hi! Just wondering how things went today? Hopefully good! Bring them home would make for a memorable Easter, although I'm sure no matter where you are Easter will be extra special this year. I would love to see the pics of us visiting the babies, you could email them if you get a chance,
Gosh, I just went through all the old posts from the beginning again and it is amazing how far they have come. It is such a miracle to see them without all the tubes (except for Jocel's O2 of course)and to know that they are well enough to go home. You have been through a lot and I always admire the tenacity of parents in your situation. Your babies have been blessed to have such dedicated parents. I look forward to meeting these little guys....Rose
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