Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LIfe at Home

Here's a quick update of our life at home .... full of joy, laughter, crying and dirty diapers.

Age (139 days old)
Adjusted age (1 month 2 days)

Joscel Faith
Weight - 2532 grms (5 lbs 9.3 oz)
Length - 46 cm (18 in)
Faces without tubes, tape and milk are a rare occurrence. Aren't those cheeks just squish-able, mommy will kiss, pinch and bite them until she cries.

Joshua Caleb
Weight - 2676 grms (5 lbs 14.4 oz)
Length - 47 cm (18.5 in)
After only two weeks at home with the Gremlins,
it's been quite a ride. Our daily routine isn't much of a routine at all. It changes frequently as Joscel and Joshua tell us what to do and when.

Each week consists of 2-4 appointments to the Childrens Hospital, Pediatrician, or Family Doctor, for check ups, follow ups, and vaccines.
They also have their weekly check ups from the Neonatal Transitional Care Team, where they are weighed, measured and checked. Adjustments to their daily schedule are made during these visits as well, from their medications to feeding patterns to ensure that they grow at a healthy rate.
So far they have grown 1-2 inches and have gained an additional 400-500 grams each since they've come home. They feed every 2-4 hours on demand, and have increased their feeds from 40-60 mL to 70-90 mL.

Diaper changes have gone from 1 before they feed to before, during, and after. Our garbage output went from 1-2 bags every week to 7-8.

But it's all worth the extra effort when you see these kinds of Pictures:

Just "Clowning around"
Momentary Silence
They are still so small that it isn't difficult to find space for them around the house, our couch cushions take up more space.
We try to sneak in as much sleep and rest as we can, we take advantage of all the napping cuddles we can get. They are also much more content and restless when they have a warm bed to rest on.
Mommy is already having difficulties doing the double cuddle as they are growing so fast.
Our morning sun bathing session (Phototherapy) to take care of that Jaundice.
Even with no sleep, it's always an amazing feeling to have them close by to greet the new day.
Again, a huge "Thank You" to all who keep us in their thoughts and prayers. Also we are truly grateful and appreciative of everyone's support and gifts, including diapers and dinners.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Joshua is Home!!!

Sorry for the late post, but we finally got into a little bit of a routine, and got some time to blog....zzzzzzz....uuuaaauuugh! uuaaAAGGGHH!

So here's an update:

After 2 Days of RULING the house with her Princess cries, coos and cuteness, Joscel finally has her brother home with her. Joshua passed his car seat test with the assistance of oxygen.

Sometimes I have to look and make sure that they're in there, cause I can't feel the difference in weight when I lift both of the carseat... I feel like Superman. Until we got home, and realized who was in control. Don't be deceived by they're size, they may be small, but they're Powerful.
But it feels so great to be finally home with our twins. It's been 6 days of sleepless nights, but it is all worth it to have them home on my birthday. To add to the celebration, Cey became a Canadian Citizen on the same day.

HOORAY!!! Joshua is finally home!
Just so we don't get them confused, Shanna got them a pair of onesies to indicate which one is the boy and girl.

3 days ago, Joscel took over the house, including my chair...she's in there somewhere.
Despite the sleepless nights, crying, diaper changes, endless laundry, constant feeding, Cey (aka. Mommy) enjoys dressing them up, and actually taking care of them, and not watching from the sidelines. It finally feels like we've got our own family.

Together at home, in their OWN crib, and with their portable oxygen tanks, which are bigger and heavier than they are.
They will stare at each other, until Joscel feels it's no fun and squirms to find her space... After all, she was here first.
Our little Monkeys

And now "Who Rules the Hawse?"

Let me hear you say "Who?, Who?!!"
BOTH of them RULE the house. Anything they want, they get, at ANYtime.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome Home Joscel!

After 124 day-stay at the hospital, we finally took Joscel home last night. Actually, she was allowed to go home a week ago but I begged the doctors and nurses to just keep her there 'til Joshua is ready to go home.
They tried Joshua again on his car bed test, as usual, he failed it. They also thought of putting a test/monitor on his crib and see what he does since car bed and crib are just the same (flat beds!). As weird as it can be, he failed his crib test too!
They put him back on nasal prongs now which tells us that he still needs oxygen. As soon as he's back on it, he was breathing fine.
We were told that if he passes his car seat test with oxygen, they're going to send him home tonight. That means, he'll be on oxygen too for a little while even when he's at home.
Here are some of the photos we thought are cute!

Daddy giving Joshua a nice afternoon bath.

And Joscel, knocked out as we put her on her crib at home,,,, Home at last!!!!

Excited parents....

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Going Home Empty and Drained

After a 4-Day stay at the hospital's accomodation, Rooming-INN, it was difficult to leave. Not because of all the memories and triumphs, but because we had to leave with empty car seats.

Mommy taking advantage of all the kisses she can get

Feeding at 3:00am
A gift from the Shepherds, Joshua is almost small enough to ride the giraffes.

The Girls' beauty sleep.

Where did Joshua go?...clue, he's a little longer than the tissue box.

It was a day of mixed feelings, of sadness and relief. Sad because Joshua didn't pass his car-seat and car-bed test. It order for him to be allowed to leave the hospital, he needs to be stable long enough to take the trip home. Unfortunately, he doesn't like being restraint, and Desats when in the car-seat or bed. So the Doctors decided to keep him for another 5 days or so, to
help grow more weight and be more stable. Joscel, ironically is allowed to go home and had passed the test, but she needs to be on oxygen for a couple of months ,(with follow ups in a couple of weeks). We had requested that they go home together, and the Doctors had allowed Joscel to stay in the unit with Joshua until they are both ready. This also allows her to gain more weight as well under the Nurses' watch.

It was also relieving, as both Cey and I can go home to get some much needed rest. We are both overwhelmed with taking care of both Joshua and Joscel for 4 days as if we were home, with the nurses occasionally checking up on us. We changed, feed, changed, bathed, changed, cuddled, changed, give meds, and changed their diapers every 2-4 hours...oh, did I mention change them. We would then have a half an hour or so, if that, in between to eat or get some sleep, but alert enough to keep an hear out for them. Cey didn't get more than 1 hour of sleep in those 4 days. Me on the other hand, didn't hear a peep out of the kids while I was sound asleep.

Joshua's cute lips, did he get it from daddy or mommy?Daddy practising Joshua for the car seat.
Anyway, we had a great time and can't wait to take them home. But we're hoping that these next few days ahead, we can get some sl..z..zz..zzz..zzz..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........eep, and prepare ourselves as there are a lot more things to do than we had anticipated. As for now...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, April 04, 2009

We're Rooming In!

Since dad and Josh are cuddling in the room right now, I thought I would give you a quick update about us.
We started rooming-in with Joshua on thursday night. The original plan from the doctors was just to room-in with him for 2 nights and take him home supposedly today. But it breaks our heart to leave our little princess here at the hospital. Besides, we couldn't figure out a way on how to take care of Josh at the same time while visiting Joscel. So one of their nurses talked to the doctor in charge for the week to just send Joscel as well since she had improved her feeding. I guess as soon as she heard that Joshua is going home soon, she smartened up and just proved that she can go home too! We also called some home oxygen companies to install oxygen tank/stuff for Joscel, she is still on prongs but it's ok. They said it's not that bad....
So hopefully, Joscel can join us tonight in the room and they'll send both of them home on Monday or Tuesday.
Joshua failed his car seat test because he is still tiny. They'll give it another try tomorrow and if he fails it again, the only option we have is to get car beds for them which are worth $100 each.
Shanna also stopped by last night to give Joshua his "Welcome Home" feast and presents... Thanks again Shepherd family!
Sorry for the unorganized updates today. It's just that I haven't slept since thursday night!