Here's a quick update of our life at home .... full of joy, laughter, crying and dirty diapers.
Age (139 days old)
Adjusted age (1 month 2 days)
Joscel Faith
Weight - 2532 grms (5 lbs 9.3 oz)
Length - 46 cm (18 in)

Faces without tubes, tape and milk are a rare occurrence. Aren't those cheeks just squish-able, mommy will kiss, pinch and bite them until she cries.

Joshua Caleb
Weight - 2676 grms (5 lbs 14.4 oz)
Length - 47 cm (18.5 in)

After only two weeks at home with the Gremlins,
it's been quite a ride. Our daily routine isn't much of a routine at all. It changes frequently as Joscel and Joshua tell us what to do and when.
Each week consists of 2-4 appointments to the Childrens Hospital, Pediatrician, or Family Doctor, for check ups, follow ups, and vaccines.
They also have their weekly check ups from the Neonatal Transitional Care Team, where they are weighed, measured and checked. Adjustments to their daily schedule are made during these visits as well, from their medications to feeding patterns to ensure that they grow at a healthy rate.
So far they have grown 1-2 inches and have gained an additional 400-500 grams each since they've come home. They feed every 2-4 hours on demand, and have increased their feeds from 40-60 mL to 70-90 mL.
Diaper changes have gone from 1 before they feed to before, during, and after. Our garbage output went from 1-2 bags every week to 7-8.
But it's all worth the extra effort when you see these kinds of Pictures:
Just "Clowning around"

Momentary Silence

They are still so small that it isn't difficult to find space for them around the house, our couch cushions take up more space.

We try to sneak in as much sleep and rest as we can, we take advantage of all the napping cuddles we can get. They are also much more content and restless when they have a warm bed to rest on.

Mommy is already having difficulties doing the double cuddle as they are growing so fast.

Our morning sun bathing session (Phototherapy) to take care of that Jaundice.

Even with no sleep, it's always an amazing feeling to have them close by to greet the new day.

Again, a huge "Thank You" to all who keep us in their thoughts and prayers. Also we are truly grateful and appreciative of everyone's support and gifts, including diapers and dinners.