What an amazing experience for both Cey and I. After much arguing (or commanding on her part) we (she) decided that she gets to cuddle Joshua first, and maybe I get to cuddle Joscel when she's ready, Not. Either way, it was a great feeling to have Joshua out of the incubator and onto Mommy's chest. It's called Kangaroo Care, and it said to help the babies a great deal. They are able to feel the warmth, as well as follow the heart beat and breathing patterns of the "parent". Notice how I emphasized "parent", as both moms and dads are allowed.
Joshua has finally graduated from the tube down his throat, to the CPAP which goes to his nose. He is able to breath a little more on his own, and so they switched him over. He still has a tube down to his stomach to feed him, but he's able to make some sounds now. We can hear him cry, but sounds more like a cat's meow.
Here are some pictures of the process.
A first look of his entire face without the tubes. We call him "Little Old Man".

They then manual ventilate him while they prepare the CPAP.
He then has to wear a special hat so they can keep all the new tubes and straps "in place". Joshua thinks he can do it on his own, and keeps taking the tubes off. One time the nurse found his oxygen line on his cheeks, and he was still doing fine. But he still needs it for a few more days.
Mommy lends a hand, or two, with the linen changes as well. We are encouraged to help with some of the tasks, like linens, facial cleaning, and diaper changes. It's great to have some involvement with their daily routine.

And finally the awaited moment. Mommy got to hold him for about an 1.5hours, while Daddy took pictures and video taped. I snuck a few kisses on Joshua, and got to smell his baby breath. Next time, I'll have my opportunity.
Until then they can just cuddle with their stuff toys.

that's great news. Im so happy to hear about all their improvements. cant wait to see them. pretty soon it'll be " auntie's first cuddle".. cait wait..
So beautiful to see you holding your baby Cey!
How exciting.
It's so good to see that they are doing as well as they are. Well done to you both for your patience and faith and props to the doctors and nurses for the great job they are doing.
We are still praying and look forward to their continued growth and health.
Praise be to the Heavenly One!
PS. Like the captions Joe! Hope the little ones will be as funny as you :o)
That is great news!! Seems they are getting stronger and stronger each day. I am sure Joscel is looking forward to her "Kangaroo Care" time with her parents too. Will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Take care LJ
Now THAT is too happy parents!! Your exhilaration is obvious. Yay! I can only imagine how awesome those 90 minutes must've been for you, Cey (and for Joshua too).
Wow! What you all are going through. The twins are adorable. It looks like you may be up for a visit. I'll get Andy to give you a call. How wonderful to be able to actually hold your own babies. How precious.
Love and prayers
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