Saturday, January 31, 2009
It's just one of those days,,,,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Our babies are growing!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Enjoying cuddle moments...
2 Days after Mommy had the chance to cuddle Joshua for the first time, Joscel had her chance to be cuddled too! At first she was a little uncomfortable, but she got used to it afterwards.
We know it's a little silly but Jo and I used to argue who to cuddle who (knowing that we have TWINS alright?). But finally, we decided that he will hold Joscel and I will hold Joshua and do alternate the next day.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Mommy's First Cuddle
Joshua has finally graduated from the tube down his throat, to the CPAP which goes to his nose. He is able to breath a little more on his own, and so they switched him over. He still has a tube down to his stomach to feed him, but he's able to make some sounds now. We can hear him cry, but sounds more like a cat's meow.
They then manual ventilate him while they prepare the CPAP.
Mommy lends a hand, or two, with the linen changes as well. We are encouraged to help with some of the tasks, like linens, facial cleaning, and diaper changes. It's great to have some involvement with their daily routine.
And finally the awaited moment. Mommy got to hold him for about an 1.5hours, while Daddy took pictures and video taped. I snuck a few kisses on Joshua, and got to smell his baby breath. Next time, I'll have my opportunity.
Until then they can just cuddle with their stuff toys.
Friday, January 09, 2009
One Month Old
Now they just want to be left alone. Joshua still doesn't mind being handled during his routine check-ups, but Joscel is something else. She will squirm, fuzz and kick if you touch her. That's why she's been paralyzed so many times, because otherwise she'll just stop breathing altogether.