Saturday, December 12, 2009

Celebrating their 1st birthday!

Yep, our babies are a year old now!
We had loads of fun that day with our friends, family, neighbors and nurses too!
Though we didn't even have the time to decorate the house with balloons and stuff (we focused on finishing some major parts of the house, with the help of Jon), it was certainly a day of happiness.


We sang the "Happy birthday" song separately for each of them and we couldn't believe that Joscel and Joshua did a great job eating a piece of their cake.
And believe it or not, whenever I eat their left-over cake, they gather around me and we can see their mouth-watering face! I give them a little bit thinking they would leave me alone but they won't. So I have to give them some more!

We also had Max with us (another 24-weeker). We were trying to take pictures, but as you can see on the next picture, Joshua just fell asleep. He must be exhausted.

And here's Jo telling Joshua his birth story through the journal we wrote about their daily experiences at the hospital.

Gift-opening time! They certainly got a lot of beautiful toys, clothes, stuff toys, gift cards and some cheques too. Thanks again!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oxygen FREE!

Yup! Finally, we were declared OXYGEN FREE! Joscel just joined her brother from breathing on their own. In fact, she loves having no tapes and tubes around her face. She is more jolly now and more independent.


We really need to get working on baby proofing our house. Joscel loves to play with the computer. It doesn't matter how many pillows you put, she would still climb to get it.

And here they are, picking our christmas tree's ornaments. I might take our tree down sooner coz I don't know how to keep them away from it anymore!

TV lovers....

Are you listening???

Hmmm, this is a good idea. At least we can keep them still in one place for a little while....

Joscel's Ears Pierced

I know it's mean to get her ears pierced at a young age but so far, we have no regrets of getting them done. We got them done a week ago.
She cried for a little bit during the piercing process but she did so well. At least now, she really looks like a girl (she's been mistaken as a boy a lot of times specially when she's not wearing pink clothes).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11 months already...

Yep, we can't believe that time flies by so fast. Joscel and Joshua are turning 1 year old in a month. Sometimes we just want to freeze time because they grow up so fast.
And they are also in that stage where they are so curious about everything and so eager to learn new stuff.

Joscel is getting more and more independent and so focused on things around her like music and TV! She is very curious and likes to explore. She is crawling more efficiently now and she loves to eat anything she sees. She'll often pull the ornaments on our christmas tree.

Joshua is still laid-back but has attitude now. He's an attention-seeker. He'll voice out his opinion (really loud) when you take his toy away from him and when you don't attend to him right away. I guess he's the loudest in the house now.
On the flip side, when he's tired, he likes to cuddle, hold your face, stare and smile at you.

It is soooo much better now that we can take them out without oxygen during the day. And to seize the opportunity, we took some family pictures.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's so nice to wake up every morning with these 2 little angels. And here's what they do to us everyday.

A video of Joscel crawling. She's so fast now that it's hard to turn your back just for a few seconds....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good news.

Age: 10 months and 2 weeks
Adjusted Age: 7 months

Joscel (14.8 lbs)

Joshua (16.8 lbs)

The four of us got vaccinated with H1N1 vaccine 2 days ago. We weren't gonna get it but they told us that preemies are required to get it as well as their parents. It was funny because Jo and I complained about the pain more than Joscel and Joshua did, actually, they didn't complain at all. Though they were restless because both of them caught a cold. It was so hard to take care of two sick babies when the parents are sick too.

We did the overnight monitor with Joshua and Joscel sleeping without the oxygen machines. They both passed it and......
Joshua has finally graduated from oxygen. Yay! But because he has a cold, we still put his oxygen on at night when he sleeps just to be safe.

Joscel, on the other hand, still needs to be on just at night time when she sleeps.
She can be off of it during the day.
We'll test her again after a month and maybe, that'll be the last time!

Here are the best buddies in the future.
Though it's a little scary that Joscel might be the bossy one..

She crawls all over Joshua...

She reaches for things first... and will steal Joshua's toy even though she has hers already.

Here's a video of Joscel babbling non-stop.
Joshua was just listening and I think there was a point when he tried to stop his sister from being too loud.

They are not crying, this is just how they talk to each other...

And this is what they do at bedtime.