Yep, our babies are a year old now!
We had loads of fun that day with our friends, family, neighbors and nurses too!
Though we didn't even have the time to decorate the house with balloons and stuff (we focused on finishing some major parts of the house, with the help of Jon), it was certainly a day of happiness.

We sang the "Happy birthday" song separately for each of them and we couldn't believe that Joscel and Joshua did a great job eating a piece of their cake.
And believe it or not, whenever I eat their left-over cake, they gather around me and we can see their mouth-watering face! I give them a little bit thinking they would leave me alone but they won't. So I have to give them some more!

We also had Max with us (another 24-weeker). We were trying to take pictures, but as you can see on the next picture, Joshua just fell asleep. He must be exhausted.

And here's Jo telling Joshua his birth story through the journal we wrote about their daily experiences at the hospital.
Gift-opening time! They certainly got a lot of beautiful toys, clothes, stuff toys, gift cards and some cheques too. Thanks again!