Joshua is recovering very well from his surgery with his stomach. He gave us a good scare when we found 6-8 Doctors and Nurses huddled around him when we came to visit him on his 5th day. The On-Call Surgeon came around 11pm that evening and performed a 15min operation to bypass his intestines so that the waste doesn't enter his body.
"...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
You can see the yellow "tube" surrounded by gauze at left side of his stomach.
Daddy assures him that all will be well as Joshua gasps daddy's finger. The lines from his belly button were moved to his arm instead. After a day, they noticed his fingers weren't getting any circulation and removed one of the lines.
You can see him a bit swollen here from all the fluids he's retaining. Most of the swelling have gone now. Yesterday, we found another group of Nurse huddled around him because he accidentality pulled out his breathing tube. He tends to like the attention from all Nurses, and I don't know where he gets that from. But they are still keeping a close eye on him.
he almost looks bigger in these pictures. I will be by today to visit them for a few hours. Im missing them. let me know what you will be there today. take care
Thanks for the update on how they are doing. Glad that his stomach surgery went well too. Take care Joseph and Cey. Laura Jean
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