Thursday, May 13, 2010

Learning things...

As Joscel and Joshua grow, we continually see the differences in their personalities. A very specific example is the food they like. Joscel loves eating fresh tomatoes, cucumber, banana, apples, and other fruits and veggies. She doesn't like eggs and other meat. Joshua eats almost anything except tomatoes, apples, and other fruits and veggies. So sometimes, I have to cook separate food for both of them. It depends on what they like!
With regards to strolling, you can't keep Joscel in her stroller. She'll stay seated for maybe, 3-5 minutes and if you don't pick her up right away, she'll scream her lungs out. Unlike Joshua, he can stay seated for hours as long as you push the stroller. He basically likes going out. Whenever he sees the door, he goes straight to the closet where their sweaters are, point at it and say "bye!".
Here's a video showing how they fight over their toys, and this happens everyday! Just to warn you, this video shows that Joscel is the bossy one but in reality, Joshua is a bully to his sister!

Another Hospital moment for Joscel..

I can't believe it's been a month since I updated our blog. We've been very busy keeping up with a lot of stuff at home, specially our babies' health. And to mention that Joscel was rushed to ACH Emergency (again) last week. We noticed that she was breathing really fast, 60-70 breaths/minute and that means, she's really having a hard time breathing. They did a quick assessment on her and took her straight to a room. They gave her oxygen to help her breath and as expected, she was admitted. The doctors did an xray on her and the result showed exactly the same as the pneumonia she had last month. She recovered fast enough that they took her oxygen off the next day.
Since it's a recurring pneumonia, the doctors think that the first time Joscel had it, it didn't really go away after a month (they couldn't tell if that's true because they didn't do a follow-up xray on her). Learning from their mistake, their gonna do another xray in June. Then they'll know if it was for sure a pneumonia or it could be an obstruction in her lungs (hope not).
Because of these hospital experiences, I'm already traumatized. Whenever I notice Joscel's breathing becoming fast, I worry right away. I feel like I'm having the nervous breakdown I had when I was a kid. It's hard to control it but I just turn my hope and faith to God, and rest assured, He keeps me calm most of the time.